Never miss a day of payouts
As we move towards an increasingly cashless society, tip payouts from the till are becoming less practical and more rare. Be prepared with the right tools to disburse tips electronically through Interac e-Transfer®s and electronic funds transfers.

Payment Products & Services

Offer consistent payouts for employees
Pay your employees at the end of every shift or as often as they desire with unlimited transfers and seamless integration.

Enable cashless tipping from patrons
Never limit your customers to paying with cash. All tips paid for by card can be disbursed through electronic and digital means.

Balance tills easier with full automation
Automated tip disbursement eliminates time spent cashing out wait staff and significantly quickens the till balancing process.
Traditionally, employees received a payout for their tips earned at the end of every day. Because of the dramatic shift towards electronic payment methods, cash is becoming an increasingly rare form of payment at restaurants, salons, and other services. Employees must wait to receive tips on their paycheque, or employers must go to the bank to get the cash needed for tip disbursement.

Pateno has solutions for any business in the hospitality or service industry that deals with tips. Take advantage of Interac e-Transfers, business EFTs, and card issuing services to make cashless staff payouts more seamless. Plus, Pateno integrates with your existing POS for a fully automated solution.